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    카테고리 없음 2021. 3. 13. 13:47

    You must have the necessary rights to grant us a license for any content in this section 6 (b) you upload, share with the Services or send to it.. In our sole discretion, we may charge fees for your payment method individually or collectively for any or all of your paid services with us.

    You agree to pay us for all paid services you purchase from us, as well as any other charges that may accrue in your account, including applicable taxes and fees.. In case of conflict or inconsistency between the terms of this document, as well as the additional terms for a particular service, additional terms apply only to conflict or inconsistency.. You may not receive notifications if you violate the terms of use by accessing the Services in an unauthorized manner and it is assumed that you have received all communications that would have been provided under an authorized access to the Services, unless otherwise stated in Section 14, the subscription will automatically be renewed at current price exclusive promotional offers and discount rates.

    However, this does not mean that we monitor the Content Services or Review or Display.. As an alternative to arbitration, you may submit an Individual Claim with a Small Claims Court in your home country (or if a company, headquarters) or Santa Clara County, California, that your dispute meets the requirements for minor claims dismissing the Terms of Use or applicable laws or regulations.. You are responsible for all costs incurred in your account, including any purchases you make or for the use of your account or any underlying or affiliated accounts (including those with implied, actual or perceived rights) or persons who may access your account because you does not protect your approval information.

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    You agree that you will use paid service in advance After the cancellation period you are responsible for all costs incurred by the cancellation date.


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